What will the future look like for the pet care profession?

This article explores what are the challenges and solutions for the pet care profession in a COVID business economy. 

BusiVet’s insights 

BusiVet’s mission is about how best to support people who have a love and passion for animals and how well we can help them grow professionally and prosper financially in the pet care industry. 

Our drive is to solve the human experience challenge in the pet care industry. The COVID business environment has changed the status quo. Delivering good medicine, products and services alone is no longer enough to compete, grow and prosper in a COVID economy. 

The challenge is to enhance and expand on the pet parent experience when they engage with your business. Your customers are often anxious, afraid, or uncertain of the services and value you provide to their pet. How well the people in your business deliver the pet parent experience combined with the technology you deploy, and the design of your facilities will determine your ultimate level of professional and financial prosperity. 

Technology and design integrated into your services is the centre of everything BusiVet does. It is about the creation of repeatable memorable experiences for the pet parent as well as making it more convenient for the pet parent to do business with you that sets you apart from your competitors. It is about creating a better place for the people who work for you to come and enjoy being at work. In a post COVID environment, new design efficiency will in the long-term improve how your people work and will ultimately lower the cost of delivering your services.

The way people interact with you is changing rapidly. Your staff needs are changing. Your pet parent clients expect more from you. They want a nice place to come to do business; access to qualified people 24/7 to answer their questions; access to information; transparency in the services they are paying for; to be reminded when to visit next or not; virtual care continuity and a seamless flow of information using different technologies to support your facilities design investment, this allows you to differentiate and prosper.

You already have a quality product or service offering in your business. It is the standard of the experience that needs to change. You can’t just change one thing. You can’t just change your software, social media, or website. It is about changing every interaction point you have with your pet parents, including your facilities design and workflows.     

Post COVID we are going to see a consolidation of the pet care industry and the rapid development of the pet destination. This means a one-stop-shop for veterinary, primary care, emergency and specialist, day care, pet resort, boarding, pet retail, pet friendly café, grooming and dog training. As competition will only increase, now is the time to review your local strategy in the pet care industry.

At BusiVet we provide leading edge property and business solutions to grow your business and increase your profits. Talk to us (call +61 0427 643 681) or email info@busivet.com.au and let’s explore how we can scope and secure your future as the new pet destination in your locality.   


The New Pet Healthcare Experience Economy